So you’ve taken the plunge into Linux. What I hope this section will help with, is that of informing new Linux users what Apps they used in Windows have comparative Linux Apps. As with everything else in Linux there always seems to be a choice, this is no different with the apps as well as with the distro of choice.
Windows Application | KDE Equivalent | Gnome Equivalent |
MS Office | Koffice/LibreOffice | Gnome Office/LibreOffice |
Outlook | Kontact/Thunderbird | Evolution/Thunderbird |
Windows Media Player | Kaffiene/Amarok | Totem/Rhythmbox/banshee |
Msn/Yahoo/Icq/Irc/Aim | Kopete | Pidgin |
Internet Explorer | Konqueror/Firefox | Firefox/Epiphany |
Photoshop/Paintshop | Krita/Gimp | Gimp/Eye of Gnome |
Skype | Skype/Kphone | Skype/Ekiga |
Windows Explorer | Konqueror | Nautilus |